Poe Can You Ignite a Enemy Over and Over Again
Renekton was always a very stiff champion against Yasuo.More,he was ever able to ravage Yasuo and get out nothing of him.Now after the nerfs to his base health,he doesnt stand a single chance.
Wukong is really limited because of his mana.If he doesnt win the lane with you,he is going to fall behind and stay that mode. The primal to win this lane is to use his clone as a gratis second dash for you to hunt him, and if you are running... Just stun him. Bang. You take escaped. In this matchup you desire to focus on winning trades, which makes this matchup section irrelevant for Renekton masters.
After the relaunch,Sion became a actually tanky son of a bounder.He is not a tough matchup for yous,you counter him in pretty much every style,the just thing that gives him a higher position is the fact that he is hard to impale and...His passive...Ugh.
Dr. Mundo
Mundo is a pretty difficult matchup.You are stronger than he is on the outset levels,but once he gets his ult he will be really actually hard to kill.Also,most Mundos rush a sunfire cape,which volition negate a lot of your damage.Botrk is a actually reccommended detail for this matchup.You will crush mundo on early levels,he will then become stronger for a moment untill you get yourself a botrk or a sunfire/hydra/BC.
If there is one champion that tin ruin some other melee top laner, and even Renekton, his proper noun is Mordekaiser. Laning phase against Mordekaiser was impossible to win ninety% of the time before the rework, but now that he has his ridiculously scaling Q, information technology's got much worse. He volition poke you with his E, violate you with his Q if you try to do something well-nigh information technology, and dive you lot if you get too behind. You must prioritize items that provide sustain and tankiness to survive this lane, never get into his Q's range (That's just directly upwards suicide), and do your very best not to become hit past the third assail of his Q. Avert this matchup if possible.
It is really like shooting fish in a barrel to beat nasus in early game,but if yous permit him go too many stacks,he volition become stronger in mid-game.Yous gotta keep him behind and everything volition be fine. Remember to ward though, because past playing very agressively y'all are vunerable to ganks.
Regardless of his shield,Rumble is adequately squishy early on on so you shouldnt have a problem with him in lane.Attempt to kill him whenever possible and avoid his Harpoons when farming. Also some other very of import thing to remember ; His flamespitter. When he uses it, become dorsum and avoid it's damage. Go in on him when it'south on cooldown, but remember that it'south cooldown is fairly low, so react quickly.
I thought Pantheon is an easy matchup, until i played against a good one. He has more damage than yous, strong poke, and his passive negates and so much of your damage, that you will never win a duel with him. In this lane, y'all want to rush a sunfire cape, go tanky, and merely continue on farming. Don't. Fight. Him.
Kind of like Mundo,she is difficult to impale,merely unlike Mundo she will win duels with you later on.Play a defensive early game and look for your jungler to aid you kill her,your Westward loses it's entire power because of her passive.
This lane has to be played very agressively.You must employ your empowered Due west on him whenever possible and do your best to go him away from the minions.If y'all permit it happen,he volition likely sustain through your damage which isn't cool.
Shyvana volition be able to win a duel with you from the moment she gets ninja tabi and a cutlass,then in that location is no coming back.Endeavour to impale her on the very outset levels,and so play defensively - Farm a lot and endeavour to trade with your Westward+Q and undo earlier she can merchandise back.
Ryze was and still is a tough but winnable matchup.Wait for him to brand a mistake,but before that,farm a lot and have your fury set.
When she begins to jump on yous,give her the W Q philharmonic and nuance abroad to avoid her autoattacks.This will win the merchandise for y'all,which is not a skilful matter for a Riven.
The rise of some other counter for the alligator.Gnar has a MS buff that helps him chase you,he has poke,he has a slow,he has impairment that scales with wellness and a lot of oversupply control.You gotta play really advisedly in this matchup and wait for a mistake.The only thing that keeps Gnar from being a perfect counter is the fact that in his mini form he is very very squishy and a error tin can screw him over.Likewise,if he wasnt forced to get into melee form,he would exist even stronger against renekton than he is right at present.
Harry,You're a wizard
Tryndamere tin be a tough matchup.Equally we all know,he has a ridiculous 35% crit chance from his passive,which volition make this lane very luck dependant.If you tin can't beat him,just last hit peacefully. If he rushes at you,stun him with your W and dash abroad.If Tryndamere doesn't succeed in lane,he will not be too much of a threat to handle later on.If y'all see the enemy picking Tryndamere,consider taking Teleport instead of Ignite,considering he will most likely farm 24/7 and push the lane.
Volibear is a catchy i. Not only that he is very tanky, has a lot of natural damage output, but he is also very hard to trade. Y'all don't desire to push the lane confronting a Volibear, only terminal hit the minions and try to harass him with your W Q combo. One time his passive is on cooldown, all you lot have to do is to continue poking him untill his health is low enough. (About xl%) The tips for this lane are : Don't utilize your E untill he flips you behind him, thus giving you lot a 2nd dash. Don't attempt to fight him, he has more harm than y'all practise. DO Not Dive HIM UNLESS HE'S HYPER-Low ON Health. And the near important 1 : If you are not similar three levels, sixty minions and 5 kills alee of him, don't fight him when his passive is up.
Surprisingly, an insanely easy matchup. Aatrox has amazing sustain if he is constantly hitting something, the problem is, he is naturally squishy early, meaning that being punished for coming to last hit a minion can be critical for him. As much as i honey Aatrox, i must say : he stands no chance against a Renekton. Play this lane very agressively from the very start, and make sure to punish Aatrox for every attempt to last hit a minion.
After the rework, this wolf seems to accept teeth. I haven't played against gangplank many times, because in every unmarried game i brand certain the bastard is banned, however I tin can tell y'all a few things ; Belatedly game, you don't have much to say against him. In lane, you accept to brand very fast trades before he gets the opportunity to fight back effectively. And 1 final and the most obvious matter ; stay away from the bushes. Even Renekton considers the barrels hurtful.
He is like Aatrox, but much worse (for you). Just as the Darkin guy, he is a mad rightclicking duelist lifestealer... Kind of affair. Trundle has a lot of sustained damage and dueling potential while Renekton has a lot of burst and poke. Do the same as with Aatrox : Punish him for coming close to the minions, if you don't let him get his items fast and you get yours quickly instead, the trouble will exist non existant. Also, a note : He volition most likely exist able to beat you in a duel later on in the game.
"Like Skyrim, but with crocodiles." Olaf has a ton of lifesteal and damage, too spell amnesty, making your stun a mere damage dealer. BUT, he has the same problem as Trundle and Aatrox : To be truly powerful, he needs to proceed attacking, meaning that if you lot poke him and don't permit him get to minions, he will have to stand back losing a lot of gold while y'all get all the tasty creeps. One fact is that he is a stronger duelist than Renekton if he is alee or equal to y'all. His ult makes him CC immune, he deals more damage, has a consistant deadening... Yeah, you pretty much can't do annihilation when he ults. You really have to know your possibilities when laning against an olaf, meaning that if you take mastered the lizard, this matchup department is irrelevant.
At present that her silly ult is gone, she has become a more than healthy of a champion. However, she now has way more trading potential than before, and her parry counters your empowered W (which is a key to winning early game) pretty difficult. If the Fiora is bad, she will cause some trouble, merely you will near likely be able to somehow get through this lane. A good 1 however will efficiently poke y'all, counter your attacks, and at some point, murder you in a duel. I really suggest prioritizing tanky items and roaming with your TP, or avoiding this matchup in the first identify.
Tahm Kench
How come is that a thing?
Source: https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/top-lanes-one-river-and-im-its-king-403255
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